FNSBKG405A Payroll Students – Please Read Carefully – You Need To Confirm Your Enrolments/Options
For Cert-III & Cert-IV students Payroll FNSBKG405A is an elective unit (but compulsory if you seek TPB registration).
Daytime (Full-Time) Students
· If you have not previously studied payroll then you need to attend the Friday afternoon classes running from weeks 10-18. Please email mary.rihana@tafensw.edu.au to confirm that you will be taking the Friday afternoon class.
· If you have already completed ‘payroll’ (either BSBADM308A or BSBFIA302A) then you may prefer to take a shorter upgrade unit that will be offered on Saturdays. To take this option please check e-services and confirm that you have already completed one of the BSB payroll units mentioned, and then email chris.fergus@tafensw.edu.au confirming that you want the upgrade course. If you do not take this option then you will need to take the full 9-week Friday course – see line above and email Mary to confirm your enrolment.
Night (Part-Time) Students
· If you have not previously studied payroll then you need to attend the Saturday morning classes at running from weeks 10-18. Please email kamil.shenouda1@tafensw.edu.au to confirm that you will be taking the Saturday morning class.
· If you have already completed ‘payroll’ (either BSBADM308A or BSBFIA302A) then you may prefer to take a shorter upgrade unit that will be offered on Saturday mornings. To take this option please check e-services and confirm that you have already completed one of the BSB payroll units mentioned, and then email chris.fergus@tafensw.edu.au confirming that you want the upgrade course. If you do not take this option then you will need to take the full 9-week Saturday course – see line above and email Kamil to confirm your enrolment.
‘TPB’ Saturday afternoon students – the above information is for mainstream enrolments and not for your group.