Many of you are enrolled in the unit FNSINC401A Apply Principles of Professional Practice to Work Within the Financial Services Industry.
The ‘old’ unit with the identical name (FNSICIND401B) is not equivalent to the new unit. To save you from doing a 9-week course all over again, our entire Institute (made up of seven colleges) decided to develop an online upgrade that will take you a few hours to complete and will just cover the new content.
Once you’ve completed that upgrade, and assuming you completed the ‘old’ unit, we will be able to process recognition for the new unit and it will appear on your transcript.
The development of this online upgrade is underway, and will be ready for you this semester. However it is not available yet, and I would expect it will be May or June before it is finalised.
As soon as we receive the online content we will send an email to the students who enrolled in this unit, with a link for you to access the unit.