BSBWOR301A Organise personal work priorities and development
If you have been working recently you are strongly encouraged to apply for recognition of prior learning for this unit. Further information is available on page 5 of the delivery guide
If you are not applying for RPL you need to commence working on this unit; so please refer to the delivery guide on the WIKI - Delivery guide for BSBWOR301A 2012_2.pdf - for details of how to complete the required work and assessments for this unit.
You will need to purchase the workbook (refer to the WIKI for the textbook list). The first task is due on 5/10/2012.
The WSI Online unit will open very soon. This site will be used for upload of assessment tasks only. Keep an eye on the WIKI for the announcement (or if you subscribe to the WIKI the announcement will come to your email auto-magically).
Sandra Cosgrove
Head Teacher Accounting – The Hills College A 2 Green Road, Castle Hill NSW 2154 T (02) 9204 4627 | F (02) 9204 4604 E | W | |

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